
segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2012


Para você trabalhar com os eventos que estão por vir (leia Cancelamento por Evento - NT 006/2011) a implementação da OSS Note 1575364 - NF-e: Legal Change - Electronic Correction Letter (CC-e) é obrigatória, pois é através dessa nota que a SAP criou as estruturas para se configurar os "Eventos da NFe". Daqui pra frente, tudo que occorer com a NFE (apos seu envio) será tratado como "um evento associado à NFe".

NF-e Events I
NF-e Events II
Sending NF-e Events
Receiving NF-e Events
NF-e Events: CC-e (Electronic Correction Letter)
NF-e Events: Operation Confirmation
Operation Information
NF-e Monitor (SD-SAIDAS)
The NF-e Monitor is a single point-of-entry for monitoring the document and process status of notas fiscais eletrônicas (NF-es), as well as for monitoring communication with government systems and with business partners in business-to-business (B2B) scenarios. It allows you to download the XML files for NF-es, along with all authorization, cancellation, and skipping messages that you are legally required to keep as records. You can also resend messages from this monitor that your system was unable to send due to technical reasons.
NF-e Fiscal Workplace (MM-ENTRADAS)
The NF-e Fiscal Workplace is where the fiscal clerk processes an incoming NF-e. The entry screen of the Fiscal Workplace gives an overview of the current situation regarding NF-e processing using a graphical display.

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