
quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013


Stock transfer with transfer order in Brasilian Company Code.
In a company, goods movements do not only occur as goods issues and goods receipts. It may also be necessary to use internal stock transfer
from plant to plant. In order to be able to generate a stock transfer
using MRP, the goods issue is done by SD delivery and the goods receipt
by MM goods receipt functionality.

Four new movement types have been created to post a stock transfer :
Movement type 861 for Goods Receipt
Movement type 862 for Goods Issue
Movement type 863 for Return of Goods Receipt
Movement type 864 for Return of Goods Issue

The posting steps are as follows:
1. Create a stock transfer order in the receiving plant within MM using Transaction ME27 or ME21N, Item type 'U'
2. Generate delivery document within SD using transaction VL04 or VL10B
3. Picking and posting goods issue in SD using transaction VL02 or VL02N
4. Print outgoing Nota Fiscal using transaction J1B3 or J1B3N
5. Posting goods receipt in MM using transacion MB0A and movement type 861

Related Notes
0199233 - Transfer with stock transfer order (MAIN OSS NOTE)
1640802 - Stock Transport Order between project stocks
0888805 - CBT:Stock transfer with stock transport order
0538770 - Movement Types 861-864 in Table TMCA
0441197 - Errors in stock transfers with serial numbers II
0431154 - Returns of stock transfers
0424928 - General changes for stock transfer postings with SD
0419854 - Errors in Stock Transfers with Serial Numbers
0397162 - MB0A - Selected Storage location could not be changed
0686616 - TAXBRA Missing Entries in J_1BIM01 (IM Tax Posting Strings)
  1536146 - BR: Issue Nota Fiscal for stock transfer in same bus. place

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