
sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014



This page will explain how to import standard SAP content into the Process Integration (PI) Enterprise Services Repository (ESR). This content can be used to integrate SAP systems.  
I will show where you can download the SAP contents from the Service Marketplace and also provide a step by step guide on how to import the content into the ESR.  
Where to download the PI SAP content
The SAP PI content is available for download from the following location in the SAP Service Marketplace - http://service.sap.com/swdc
-> Support Packages and Patches   
-> A - Z Index                  
-> E                            
-> ESR Content (XI Content)     
-> XI CONTENT <select the required PI content>
-> XI CONTENT <select the required release>    
-> #Database independent       

How to unpack the downloaded content

  1. For XI 3.0, PI 7.x and PI 7.1x releases, the content is downloaded in *.zip format. Simply extract the *tpz files from the zip archive.
  2. For PI 7.1x release, the content is delivered in *sda format. See the KBA 1637955 PI ESR Content for SAP BASIS 7.30  for details on how to locate the *tpz file.

Where to place the *tpz files for upload to the ESR

There are two options available for uploading the *tpz files:
  1. Upload from the PI Server (this option is available in all PI releases). If you choose this option the *tpz file must be placed in a specific directory in the PI installation. The exact directory is:
  2.  Upload from your Client. This option is only available from release 7.1x. Simply place the *tpz file in any directory on your local machine.

Authorizations required to execute the import in the ESR

The user which executes the import must have either SAP_XI_ADMINISTRATOR or SAP_XI_CONTENT_ORGANIZER roles assigned to it.

Importing the content in the ESR

  1. Call transaction SXMB_IFR and logon to the ESR
  2. Go to Tools -> Import Design Objects
  3. Select whether you wish to import from the Server or from the Client.  The function to import via client is only available from relrease 7.1 and later.
  4. Select the required *tpz file and then import
This warning message will appear. This is to remind you that the existing objects will be overwritten by the new import. SAP recommend that the configuration objects which are provided in the standard SAP contents are copied into the customer own Software Component Version (SWCV) and namespace for development purposes. It is not recommended to carry out developments in the SAP contents as if/when you need to import a patch you will lose all previous customizations. This will be avoided if the objects are copied into the customer own namespace.
  1. The following pop up will appear to inform you that the import has been successful

Related Documents

Related Notes
SAP KBA: 1536986 How to import PI Content into the ESR
SAP KBA: 1575249 How to check the patch level of the PI Basis content
SAP KBA: 1712723 Download location for PI RosettaNet, CIDX ESR content
SAP Note: 1224543 Release of PI Content for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1(incl EHP)/7.3
SAP Note: 1632370 Maintenance of ESR Content (XI Content)

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