SAP TDF and SAP Country Version for Brazil
SAP provides a new platform for tax management that facilitates the
legal compliance and increases the productivity of tax and financial
departments of the companies. The Tax Management Framework comprises SAP and
non-SAP products, like partner applications and has its foundation in SAP HANA.
The SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil 1.0 (TDF) is the new product of
SAP, which is the central piece of the landscape. It is the SAP product within
the Tax Management Framework.
Features of SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil 1.0
- The heart of the TDF is the Central Tax Repository (CTR): this is a HANA-based data model which is consumed by all TDF for Brazil 1.0 applications. The CTR is the source of truth for fiscal data. It consists of tables and views which are modeled in conformity with the SPED layouts (ECD, EFD, eSocial, ECF, NF-e, CT-e, etc…). With CTR, all data from different source systems, being these SAP ERP systems or legacy systems, can be consolidated in a unique place and can be consumed by TDF for Brazil 1.0 applications, partner applications and even customer-specific ones.
- SPED EFD: new HANA-native and enhanced EFD report
- SPED ECD: new HANA-native and enhanced ECD report
- Tax obligation follow-up and storage (TOM): this service controls the status of each obligation generated both by TDF for Brazil 1.0 or partner application. It also allows to store in a secure way files involved in the tax obligations.
- Fiscal period control: this functionality enables decoupling the fiscal closing from the financial closing. Though such control it is possible to prevent that postings in the ERP system take place while the fiscal period in TDF for Brazil 1.0 is closed.
- Fiscal documents correction module: the correction module within TDF assures that corrections are made in the proper way in the source system.
- Process logging: the log functionalities collect information on processes executed in the TDF for Brazil 1.0 for analytical or audit purposes.
- TDF-S: this is a set of web services which allow the integration of external applications. There are services for Logging, TOM, Fiscal Period, Corrections, NF Creation, NF Audited Flag, FI Document Posting/Reversal, and CIAP integration and interoperating aspects.
- Organizational Structure: time-dependent master data for Business Place and its Tax Identifications (CNPJ & IE) are provided. Also, time-dependent structures for SPED report processing are available.
- ERP enhancements: TDF also comprises a set of new features in ERP which improves the quality of fiscal data during transaction processing. This includes new Master Data fields, NF-e Data Persistency, Online Validation, Tax Code Determination for MM & SD, NF Writer with Automatic Accounting, Automatic NF for Inventory Adjustment, and CIAP.
- Data from an SAP ERP system are synchronized real time to SAP HANA (CTR) via SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT).
- SAP TDF also manages SAP ERP systems connected to it via standard RFC connection. This is mainly for Fiscal Period synchronization and Document Creation/Correction via TDF-S.
- Data from legacy systems are synchronized with SAP HANA via SAP Data Services.
- SAP HANA communicates with partner software via DB connection (e.g. ODBC/JDBC).
- SAP TDF for Brazil 1.0 communicates with partner software via Web Services.
SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil (FI-TDF-BR)
The fiscal scenario in Brazil is very complex and companies spend a lot of time and money to be compliant with tax declaration laws. The SAP Tax Declaration Framework (TDF) for Brazil is an integrated tax management solution that help Brazilian companies to be in compliance while saving time and money by reducing the operation costs with auditing, analyzing and assessing of fiscal information; by eliminating direct and indirect costs with tax management softwareand by offering greater accuracy on fiscal planning and taxes payment. SAP TDF provides web services that third party software vendors can build an interface by consuming these web services and submit their integration solution for certification.
Getting Started
The SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) highly recommends that ISVs and partners, who are interested in developing apps on HANA start by visiting the SAP HANA Developer Center [] for tutorials and system access.
For generic information about the various services offered by SAP ICC and to understand the process about certification , begin with our page Getting Started with Integration and Certification
SAP TDF - Technical Documentation
FI-TDF-BR 1.0 is introduced as a certifiable scenario in this release.
You can get more information on SAP TDF 1.0 including the enterprise services available for integration.
Please contact SAP ICC to sign-up for a SAP FI-TDF-BR 1.0 certification.
Test System Recommendation from ICC
- SAP TDF is required to have SAP NetWeaver 7.4 on SAP HANA 1.0 SP7 or later. The ISVs/partners need to access to SAP TDF for Brazil 1.0 to develop and test their interface. The necessary software may be obtained separately from SAP.
- SAP HANA Developer Edition Platform: You can access SAP HANA Developer Edition in-memory platform in the cloud – hosted by cloud providers - for a faster, more affordable way to build and deploy your HANA-based application.
Price List
10,000 Euros per certification (Euro currency is applicable to all countries).
Benefits of Certification
Customers using SAP-certified solutions in their SAP environment, as well as the partners offering these, experience great benefits which may include shorter implementation times, technical enablement, and marketing assets. Click here to know about the benefits of integration certification. After successful certification testing the ISV solution can be advertised with the following logo:

Related Content
Important Links:
Start with free instructional tutorial videos at SAP HANA Academy
SAP Training and Help:
Please refer to SAP Education. (Service Marketplace login required, contact your partner manager for user ID)
ICC Webinar: You are invited to join our introductory webinars - hosted by the SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) in regular intervals. For a schedule and recordings go to the page "SAP INTEGRATION AND CERTIFICATION WEBINAR SERIES".
Apply for ICC Services right away - please fill in the SAP ICC online application form.
SAP Application Development partner directory: The certified solution is listed in our SAP Application Development partner directory
Nova Certificação baseada no SAP TDF
Em dezembro de 2013 a SAP lançou ao mercado a solução TAX Declaration Framework com o propósito de auxiliar aos clientes SAP a estarem em conformidade com a complexa legislação fiscal brasileira. O framework, desenvolvido sobre a plataforma SAP HANA, permitirá aos clientes SAP reduzir o custo operacional com auditoria, análises e dados fiscais, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece grande precisão no planejamento fiscal e pagamento de tributos. Proporciona também aos parceiros SAP e empresas interessados em desenvolverem add-ons integrados a produtos SAP muitas oportunidades no desenvolvimento de novos produtos baseados nas funcionalidades do TDF. O SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC), seguindo sua visão de promover um ecossistema de parceiros de alta qualidade, oferece a possibilidade de certificar Add-Ons integrado com TDF.
Detalhes da certificação podem ser obtidos através do link:
Detalhes da certificação podem ser obtidos através do link:
Para iniciar seu processo de certficação por favor entre em contato com o representante do SAP ICC na América Latina: Felipe Grandi
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